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Ultrasound is a cyclic sound pressure wave that is beyond the frequency of human hearing. It is only distinguished from normal sounds by its absence.

Ultrasound technology is used in many different domains by emitting, receiving, and monitoring the signature of ultrasound waves, most notably for sonography. As ultrasound waves may pass through many mediums the reflection signature is used to observe the inner structure of otherwise impenetrable mediums.

Principle of disinfection

The generation of high power ultrasound waves is also used to disintegrate molecules and bacteria. In ultrasonic cleaning the ultrasound waves induce cavitation of the bacterial cell and permit its disintegration. Cavitation is akin to boiling cold water and uses many millions of microscopic bubbles to produce shock waves.

Applications of ultrasonic technology

Althrough ultrasonic technology is most well known for its sonographic applications it also finds many uses in the disinfection of drinking and waste water, and the pasteurisation of heat sensitive foodstuffs.  


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