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Mobile Water Kiosk

AquaNetto‘s range of water kiosks are designed for all individuals and groups interested in providing disinfected potable water on-site, cleaned water storage, and centralised and decentralised water distribution.

AquaNetto‘s range of mobile and stationary Water Kiosks

AquaNetto water kiosks are available in two sizes and various versions depending on the quantity and quality of water to be treated respectively.

The water kiosks are ideal for treating water contaminated with bacteria and sediments as well as water sourced from streams, wells, mountain lakes, or relatively unpolluted water delivered by lorry or the community. They may also be configured to treat water laden with large sediment particlesby combining comple-mentary treatment processes, (for example nanofiltration in con-junction with Third Parties such as IMETH AG), in order to treat water that is procured from polluted lakes, large rivers, waste water treatment plants, or that has a high concentration of che-micals and metals.


  • AquaNetto‘s small water kiosk solution is ideal for small-scale disinfection, storage, and mobile distribution and com-bines a central UV-C disinfection unit along with a particle filter. It may be adapted to respond to the needs of entire communities and can serve up to several thousand indivi-duals. The water kiosks combine UV-C disinfection along with the appropriate complementary treatment method and be assembled in parallel to increase volumetric capacity.
  • AquaNetto‘s large water kiosk is offered as part of a com-plete solution in conjunction with Third Parties such as IMETH AG. The AquaNetto-IMETH solution combines Aqua-Netto‘s UV-C disinfection technology along with IMETH‘s nanofiltration and membrane-based solutions.


AquaNetto's large water kiosk for

flow rates up to 30m3/h

Range of applications

  • On-site treatment — Water filtration and disinfection for single family residences, buildings, as well as entire communities
  • Cleaned water storage — Tank and cistern storage for single residences, buildings, and communities
  • Water treatment on the go — Mobile and stationary water distribution for commercial and social projects

Per the number of persons to be served, water source and existing water analysis, AquaNetto produces bespoke water kiosks for water storage, distribution, and on-site treatment.

AquaNetto also supports and promotes environmentally and socially sustainable projects and hence we invite Non Governmental Organisations and other concerned stake-holders, who are motivated to ensure open-access to potable water for all, to propose, develop, and realise social projects together with AquaNetto.

Salient features and unique advantages

  • Ingeniously simple — Elegant units and systems guarantee disinfection of water on-site and are adaptable to respond to the water quality and local conditions
  • Multi stake-holder systems — Readily integrated in diverse commercial and social solutions for the treatment, distribution, and storage of potable water by private firms, the State, and Non Governmental Organisations
  • Minimise your logistical concerns — Easy to assemble by means of a skid construction and minimal tools, equally easy to dismount for maintenance, and transport for distribution
  • Maximise your resources — Hybrid powered kiosks run on photovoltaic, wind, or fossil fuels (off-grid) as well as regular electric supply (on-grid)
  • Scale your benefits — AquaNetto kiosks are easy to upgrade and integrate in larger projects, diverse applications, as well as existing plants
  • Maximise value creation — Increase client autonomy, realise the potential for cooperative efforts, source peripheral equipment such as pumps on-site and involve local labour

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AquaNetto supports and promotes environmentally and socially sustainable projects and hence we invite Non Governmental Organisations and other concerned stake-holders, who are motivated to ensure open-access to potable water for all, to propose, develop, and realise social projects together with AquaNetto...


AquaNetto Group GmbH
Techno-pole 4
CH-3960 Sierre
Téléphone +41 (0)27 787 20 20
AquaNetto Group GmbH Techno-Pole 4, 3960 Sierre Switzerland Phone +41 (0)27 787 20 20 Fax +41 (0)27 787 20 21