Invest in water, invest in the future
Why invest?
At AquaNetto, we engage ourselves daily in responding to the global crisis surrounding fresh water. Fresh water is a finite but infinitely renewable resource which is increasingly demanded for competing uses (human consumption, domestic use, irrigation, animal consumption, industry, natural ecological requirements, etc.) and as such water treatment is always a central aspect relating to water use. In this regard, AquaNetto specializes in providing complete treatment solutions which focus on the three ‘E’s: effectiveness of treatment, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability. In order to sustainably scale-up the provision of bespoke and innovative solutions AquaNetto espouses an open architecture approach, exploiting the benefits of fruitful cooperative partnerships and ventures. Ultimately, AquaNetto’s strategic orientation and corporate philosophy, have poised the company on the brink of success.
Why invest in AquaNetto?
The selective-modular nature of AquaNetto units and systems enable us to offer a solution to a wide range of applications in different sectors, and which are individually customized according to the water quality and the local environment. Projects till date include water treatment systems for potable water, domestic water, livestock and irrigation, spread across the globe. From Switzerland, Italy, and Hungary, to Kenya, Nigeria, and India, AquaNetto systems are providing cleaned water for a multitude of needs. When combined with complementary procedures, such as waste water treatment and recycling, AquaNetto solutions are perfectly suited for the growing market of green-buildings.
AquaNetto is positioned to be a key player across sectors and industries in the field of water treatment. Within the real-estate sector, cooperative partnerships with companies specialised in complementary technologies, a joint-venture subsidiary in India, are working as key-drivers in AquaNetto’s success. AquaNetto’s in-house expertise and experience has also helped it work towards larger industrial-scale tenders and offers, both in India and the Middle East and North Africa; effectively bringing together other specialists in the field, AquaNetto is taking charge in offering bespoke and quality solutions. The use of state-of-the-art products inherently increases the cost of AquaNetto units when compared with those of competitors on a one-to-one basis. However, AquaNetto specialises in offering solutions with a much lower overall total cost of ownership. The reduced costs in energy use, maintenance and operation costs, and longer product life, jointly contribute to long-lasting and sustainable solutions for the end-user. AquaNetto solutions are also developed bearing in mind the different contexts of their application, and thus, has taken particular care to develop solutions especially for applications in rural areas, social projects of NGOs, or during emergency situations and relief camps.
Although a young company, AquaNetto is already working with a long-term perspective and investing in the establishment of a Swiss test-bank and accreditation centre in cooperation with technical institutions. Such a test-bank would enable AquaNetto, as well as other clean-tech companies, to develop new designs, conduct research into innovative solutions, and ultimately, exploit the fruits of collaboration. Such initiatives are not only beneficial to participating companies in helping them scale-up their portfolios, but also to the participating institutions.
Read more about AquaNetto and its joint-venture subsidiary with IMETH in India: ANI Water Solutions in Switzerland Global Enterprise's Trade Magazine.
What do we do with your investment?
Currently, AquaNetto stands on the verge of breaking even. Years of investment and research have ultimately proven that the company is effectively on the path to success. The successful completion of recent projects across the world and in different sectors, the recognitions and awards, and the development of new partnerships and cooperative agreements, have all generated a substantial amount of work for us. In effect, it is increasingly difficult to meet with success as AquaNetto grows more successful, if resources and their effective use do not also grow. Thus, AquaNetto is requesting investments especially in order to increase its resource base in personnel and the development of new projects and solutions. If the company continues with the present state-of-affairs and resources it will be increasingly difficult to meet market expectations and the requirements of clients. Beyond covering basic yearly fixed costs, your investment shall be used to employ new personnel: particularly, project engineers, a procurement and administrative officer, and marketing assistants. Reinforcement in these three pillars will enable AquaNetto to ride the recent wave of success and develop even more sustainable projects. Streamlining procurement is essential for containing costs which are spread out across different projects. Project engineers form the back-bone of the company and are essential in guiding the development of solutions from start to finish. Marketing assistants work together with the different team members to bring the final system to the public, and to new potential clients. Ultimately, as new work is take on the administration of the company is also bound to increase.
What do you gain on your investment?
Investors, particularly those with existing investments in companies specialised in the provision of complementary technologies or services, have a particular interest to invest in AquaNetto. In addition to helping increase production and your portfolio through the use of your products and services in AquaNetto solutions and projects, AquaNetto also offers its expertise and systems as an Original Equipment Manufacturer. Thus, the potential for increasing and developing your market share in various sectors of the water treatment field is significantly increased. Moreover, with AquaNetto’s open and transparent philosophy and working practices, specialised expertise and experience, and blossoming cooperative relations, an investment is guaranteed to generate returns on a sustainable and long-term basis for all.
Techno-pole 4
CH-3960 Sierre